7 Tips to Succeed at Your Summer Internship in Wealth Management


Summer is here; for many college students or recent graduates, it’s the time for internships. An internship can help you gain experience in a career field and lead to opportunities for future jobs.

In fact, approximately 70% of interns are given a job offer at the same company once their internship is complete. Of course, a job offer is never guaranteed, but there are certain things you can do during your internship to stand out. Here are seven tips you can leverage to make a good impression at your internship and ensure that you make the most of the opportunity this summer.

1.  Understand your role

At the start of your internship, it’s vital to understand your responsibilities and priorities. If you know where to focus your energy, you can deliver on what matters to the company. Double-check your job description and connect with your supervisor to get the full understanding of your role. If you need clarity on where your focus should be, ask early on.

2.  Communicate clearly

Get an understanding of the lines of communication in the office. Is there someone you should report to daily? Are there designated check-in times? Does your supervisor prefer email, Slack, or another form of communication? It’s OK if you ask questions — no one expects you to know everything on day one — but it’s helpful to understand the preferred communication methods before you ask.

As for team members communicating with you, be prepared for, and receptive to, receiving feedback during your internship. Hearing and implementing feedback will improve your work and overall performance.

3.  Own your work

No matter what projects or assignments you’re a part of, own them. Treat this internship as if you’re already on the team, and it’s your responsibility to finish the work. See your projects through from start to finish and make necessary revisions and updates in a timely manner. If you make a mistake, own that, too. Starting out, you’re bound to make missteps, but taking responsibility shows integrity and your willingness to learn and grow.

4.  Set milestones

What do you want to accomplish by the end of the summer? There are goals your manager will set for you, but maybe there are specific things you’d like to learn or projects you want to help with. Break down your goals into digestible pieces so they are manageable, and write them down and keep them visible so you can stay on track.

If there’s something you want to accomplish, but aren’t seeing the opportunity, let your manager know; it may open a new door.

5.  Manage expectations

There’s a lot to accomplish during an internship, but managing expectations with your manager is essential. Don’t be quick to over promise on deadlines or your workload. Remember the other things you must handle, including studying and other outside obligations. Instead, do your best to ask for deadlines for your projects and re-prioritize accordingly. It’s always best to under promise, and over deliver, so if you think you’ll need a week to get a project done, ask for two weeks to be on the safe side.

6.  Make connections

Part of an internship is forming relationships with other interns and team members. Get to know them, hear their perspectives, and offer help. These connections will not only help you during the internship, but can be a great resource throughout your career. Do your best to show up for any happy hours or other company-sponsored events to get face time and network opportunities with other team members.

If your internship is remote, utilize technology to maintain these relationships. When the internship is over, keep in touch with your colleagues. Connect with them on LinkedIn and check in with them regularly. They can serve as a support system throughout your career, and will make good references.

7.  Leave artifacts

As your internship ends, leave behind items that can help the team. These could be presentations, documents, reports, or recorded demos — anything that can stand independently and be a good resource.

This is how your work can help the team even after your internship. Even if there’s no open position when your internship is over, your coworkers will remember the work you did for years.

An internship is an exciting career opportunity but can be challenging to manage.

Communicating often, owning your work, and managing expectations can help you make the right impression. Connecting with other interns and team members can help you along the way and well into your career. Learning to stand out as a teammate, both with your work and personality, can open doors down the road you didn’t even know existed. So make the most of your summer internship this year!

If you’re looking for an internship, check out the Careers tab on our website, and stay in touch with us to hear about upcoming events and opportunities!