Keynote: Navigating a Career in Wealth Management



Since we started planning our first Symposium in 2016, Diversitas has hosted an annual financial knowledge seminar that connects financial planning and wealth management leaders with career influencers and students who are exploring the industry to build professional hope in an industry that is working diligently to be inclusive.

We are excited to share more information about this year’s free Symposium, which is taking place on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. Our keynote presentation will be “Navigating a Career in Wealth Management,” and will be given by Neesha Hathi, Managing Director, Head of Wealth and Advice Solutions at Charles Schwab.

Neesha will cover industry trends affecting underrepresented groups and offer advice for young talent seeking to make an impact and navigate a successful career in wealth management. Please sign up here to tune into our Symposium and hear directly from Neesha on this important topic!

A wide range of roles means opportunities and growth

There is a common misconception that a career in the financial services industry only fits a small subsection of the population — whether it’s just for older white males or for those with an economics background. Truthfully, financial planning and wealth management needs more women and people with diverse backgrounds to join the industry in order to better serve those communities.

Working in finance isn’t just for those with an economic background. The soft skills required for a successful career in wealth management include strong communication, building relationships, and an ability to manage rapport between the company and its clients, among others.

There’s also room for software engineers and developers, analysts and strategists, marketing and public relations professionals, human resource team members, and more.

Because the industry spans so many roles and opportunities, it’s a popular place for people looking to switch careers. Professionals that started in one lane of work, such as teaching or nursing, may want to switch gears and help others differently. Financial planning and wealth management is a way to help people while also contributing to the greater good.

Even career pivots within the industry are standard. With so many different companies and industry segments, it may take a few trial runs to find out where your skills are the best fit.

Today, many companies and organizations — such as Diversitas — are making steps to ensure the financial services industry is inclusive. We want people with diverse backgrounds working in the industry to reach underserved communities and help more people.

Use networking to your advantage

Networking is a way to meet and connect with others in the industry. Use networking to build relationships, get career advice, and work on professional development.

As you network throughout your career, you grow supportive relationships. You can tap into your networking when you’re overcoming challenges, in need of ideas, or looking for insight. Whether as a student or a professional, a robust network can be a tremendous help when you’re looking for a job at any stage of your career.

Networking is like most things in your career: the longer you work at it, the easier it gets. Starting early can help you get comfortable talking to different people. If done correctly, your network will serve as a resource to you throughout your career.

Learn more about networking by watching our recent Forum, “What I Wish I’d Known About Networking,” and reading the event recap.

Apply for internships that inspire you

Internships serve as excellent opportunities for career development. Not only do you learn on-the-job skills and meet new people, but you also get to experience what the role would be like.

Be proactive in the search for an internship and make it a priority to find an opportunity that fits your skill set and passions. You may also consider internships that could have a job offer — or additional options — at the end.

When it’s time for an interview, research the company and ask educated questions. Find out if the company is inclusive and what its retention rate is. You want the internship to be a genuine match.

Learn more about internships by watching our Forum, “What I Wish I’d Known Before I’d Accepted my Wealth Management Internships,” and reading the event recap. You should also check out BLX, The Externship, Jumpstart, and the Center for Financial Planning, as well as open career opportunities on our website.

Bring your passions to the job

A successful career in wealth management means much more than having an economics background or being good with numbers.

Bringing your whole self — including your interests and passions — to the job benefits the clients, the company, and the industry. You’ll thrive here if you can answer with conviction: Why do you want to work in wealth management and what change are you trying to create?

To learn more about wealth management career paths, register to attend the Symposium. You can also watch last year’s Symposium, and other events, available in our Resource Library. [vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”default” el_class=”post-sidebar”]