Symposium Spotlight: Q&A with Abbie Sheridan, the Founder and CEO of Greenrose Communications



How did you get into the wealth management industry? What first attracted you to the space and why have you stayed?

I was approached by a recruiter who was hiring for a role at a PR agency that specialized in the wealth management industry. I didn’t even know what that was! I had experience doing PR for financial services firms and in lots of other industries across technology, real estate, entertainment, healthcare, and lifestyle, but the wealth management industry was completely foreign to me. I had to do a lot of Googling at first to understand the different terms, but I immersed myself in the space and picked things up quickly. While I wasn’t sure at first if it would be a good fit, I really loved working with my clients and colleagues, which is usually a good indicator of whether I will like a job. And the people continue to be incredible, which is why I have never left!

Did you consider entering the wealth management industry when you were a student? Why or why not?

The wealth management industry was never on my radar as a student. I really enjoyed writing (my sixth-grade teacher gave me the nickname Shakespeare!) and I didn’t like math, so I never even considered there would be opportunities for me in finance. Boy, was I wrong!  And while I’m glad I was able to experience working in other industries before finding the wealth management industry, I think this industry is a great place for young professionals to cut their teeth. I have learned so much about my own finances by working closely with these professionals, and I feel so lucky to work with the best clients every day; people who are actually trying to help others and make a positive impact on the world.

What are some of the biggest misconceptions about financial planning?

The biggest misconception about this industry is that it’s all about math and numbers. That’s totally dependent on the role you choose in the industry, and there are plenty of opportunities that don’t require you to be good with numbers. The people that are good at math need all kinds of support, and I love helping advisors (and other industry firms) communicate their value proposition with the world.

Are you interested in learning about the AIF Designation? If so, check out John Fautino’s Q&A and spotlight! And of course check out all the other amazing panels from this year’s Symposium.

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Abbie Sheridan is the founder and CEO of Greenrose Communications. Abbie has more than 15 years of marketing and PR experience, and she currently works with a dozen clients in the wealth management industry, with a specialization in green finance. She lives in New York City. For more information, check out
